How do you know when you no longer stand alone?  When God blesses you in ways that you don't even know.  Back in 1997, I was asked to sing the National Anthem at the Minnesota Twins base ball game.  I said "Yes", and thought nothing of it.  The reason was, I was doing concerts all over at the time, so so me this felt normal.

Working with the sound crew was awesome because they know I sang a lot, so they let me tell them where to set the mic and what the sound level should be.  And they directed me on where to go before and after the Anthem so I could just do it all on my own.  That meant a lot because in a public setting you really want to come off well so you educate the public the best you can because actions speak louder than words.

After the game I got this plaque for doing the Anthem, and it actually upset me for 4 years.  To me, all I did was sing the Anthem just like any other singer.  As far as I knew they didn't get a plaque, so I felt like I was getting special treatment or something.  I mean things like that really upset me because I just want to be like everyone else.

Finally a friend named Jo who worked at United Cerebral Palsy explained it to me.  I was a weekly singer, so for me, this was nothing.  But, I didn't know that it was the very first time a disabled person ever sang the Anthem at a public event.  And, by my singing the Anthem, it helped to open doors nationwide so other kids and adults could sing at public events in their own area.  And that was so cool because it helped me to understand and appreciate the plaque.

Before I sang, someone threw the first pitch.  But in so many ways, God let me through the first pitch and I didn't even know it.  No, I didn't throw an actual ball, but by singing that song, I kind of raised the bar so disabled people could be included and sing just like everyone else.

I don't stand alone in my Ministry, for God always blesses it.  One of my latest songs called "MAKER" is on hold right now because the writer of it wanted $15000.00 for the backup track I was using.  So a friend is recording a special track so I can use the song and just pay the regular mechanical royalties.  I'm excited because everyone needs to be reminded that they are in the arms of the Maker.  Yes, I sang a song that changed everything.  But what is God doing in your life?  What unexpected thing is God gonna have you do, and what impact will it have?  That's something to get excited about.

So, God threw you 3 balls and you have 3 strikes.  Guess what, life is one big practice field, so you actually can't strike out.  God wants you to just take another turn at bat.  PLAY BALL!